The foundation stone of Ganesh Dutt College Begusarai was laid on 13th Jan 1945 in holy memory of Sir Ganesh Dutt, one of the great makers of modern Bihar. Ideals of this great educationist in fact got translated into reality by Babu Bishwanath Singh Sharma, who helped the embodiment of this Premier Institution of Bihar.
Ganesh Dutt College Begusarai is a multifaceted college imparting education in Social Sciences & Humanities, Natural Sciences and Commerce from Intermediate to Post Graduation level. Spread over an area of 25 acres in the heart of the town, acknowledged to be the industrial capital of Bihar, this college has been proving its vitality since its inception. It has been a constituent college of L.N. Mithila University, Darbhanga since 1976. Earlier it uphold its glory being a part of Patna University at the time of its inception in 1945 and later on of Bihar University and Bhagalpur University. The UGC, vide its letter No. Special B - 07-00-01(ERO) dated 27.03.2001 has conferred upon the college the honour of an 'Old and Reputed College' of the country.
Diversification and professionalism have become the earnest demand of the modern education . This Institution is aware of this changing perception. The vocational course like Industrial Microbiology, the IGNOU study centre, the Distanct Education Centre of LNMU and UGC sponsored schemes like Remedial Coaching, Equal Opportunity Centre, Career and Counselling Cell and Network Resource Centre functioning in the college are the prudentials, meeting the demand of the present scenario.
The Institution is aware of its social obligation and moral responsibilities. NSS and NCC help us produce vigorous vigilants of the society. Regular social service camps are the expression of missionary vision of the Institution as well as the developed kinaesthetic sense of the participants.
The College has actively participated in the mission of conserving and carrying forth the cultural legacy . The department of Games, Sports and Culture has contributed to the art and culture of the region where as the Dept. of AIH Culture and Archaeology is spreading awareness regarding conservation of legacy. This dept. has conducted excavation at Birpur (Begusarai) in 2004 and has been the only college dept. of Bihar doing so with the permission of Archaeological Survey of India. Not only this, the dept. is the one and only College Dept. of Bihar having its own museum.
Ganesh Dutt College Begusarai volunteered to be assessed by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council in 2005. An expert committee of NAAC comprised of Dr. H. S. Soch, Former Vice-Chancellor, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar as Chairperson, Dr. M.D.P. Rao, Retd. Principal Berhampur(Orissa) as Member Co-ordinator and Prof. S. K. Basu, Dean of Students Welfare, Vidya Sagar University, West Bengal as Member analysed the documents and reports provided to them and finally the college was adjudged B++ .
The college has utilised the grants provided to it throughout the years and has facilitated the students with various components of modern education system. Development being and ever going process, the college is dedicated to achieve whatever is necessary for a premier institution for all-round development of education. .